Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The Return...


So I have been somewhat remiss in uploading any images or updating this blog with my progress. I am unable to put up any of the images from the work I have been doing currently due to intellectual copyright complications, however I have some work going into a large well known shop soon and when I do I shall share the links!

I am currently in the process of producing new drawings & photographs (again based around my beloved hedgerows) for new independent work, less cryptic news to follow!

This year was an amazing year for hedgerow lovers, as the weather has been very disruptive and down right crazy to nature - everything including my body seems very confused. However, the confusion of the hedgerow gives you once in a lifetime information to work on. It is believed that due to the weather getting suddenly very hot again (last week or so) the colours of the turning leaves and the combination of seasons seen within the same plant is incredible. I went home to the north recently & I should have some photographs to show you shortly. As I haven't drawn for a long while, it will be a bit of a time until I have drawings good enough to put my name to!

Have a creative day :)

Annice x

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Collection Concept: June 2011

The first Division of Common Land legislation is believed to date to the Twelfth Century. This was the beginning of a process that shaped the class system and important political and social movements in Scottish and British history. This is the starting point from which my collection grew. Hedgerows are a continuing visual manifestation of the Division of Common Land process. As well as embodying part of our history act as linear, self contained eco systems which support many forms of wildlife: insects, birds, mammals and plants. The varied and dynamic content of hedgerows is a living, colourful and rich resource for research and to inspire design.

My collection is entirely hand dyed. I used silks and wools because their natural fibres provide a matte backdrop for the varied and delicate hues of the hedgerow to emerge. I have used predominantly hand embroidered techniques. In my research I re-discovered and learnt embroidery techniques that have not been used for generations. Modern design can be enriched by these beautiful and distinctive craft traditions. Using labour intensive hand techniques meant that each embroidery took several long days to emerge, which helped me to stay true to the living, growing and emerging nature of the hedgerow and its inhabitants.

This project is based on research I conducted in one day and along one very short stretch of hedgerow. It is worth noting that if this project was undertaken in another hedgerow – or even the same location at another time - it would have resulted in a very different project and collection.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

My Antique Textile Fair Adventure

This weekend I showed my work at the Antique Textile Fair in Manchester as part of the Textile Society undergraduate bursary application. A good chance for me to organise my brain and project!

Monday, 21 February 2011